The advantages of using cloud software?

1. Time saving: Users can start using the system immediately after the subscription, while traditional software requires setup and installation.
2. Reliable: Cloud data is easy to backup and migrate, storage can be increased as much as you need.
3. Flexible: Users can log in to the system anytime from any location, no need to be back to the office or restricted to a certain location to open the software.

Do you need run installation?

Cloud software does not need to be installed on a computer. It runs on any computer or mobile device with an internet browser. Our cloud solutions also support app versions for IOS and Andriod.

Does the cloud software need to be manually updated on a regular basis?

Not like traditional software, it does not need to be manually updated by users. The management system will be updated from the back-end, users will be able to use the latest version every time they access the system.

Do companies still need to buy a server?

Companies no longer need to spend money to purchase their own servers to host the management system.

How does cloud software charged?

Pricing are very flexible and are priced according to the number of activated users, so companies don't have to worry about spending over budget.

For users who haven't used a cloud management system before.

We will provide free software training, demonstration and setup to ensure that customers understand how to operate the software and increase efficiency.

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